Mechanical Failure Shuts Down Jersey Shore Bridge Indefinitely

Bridged closed sign

The Middle Thorofare Bridge, a key route for traffic between Wildwood Crest and Cape May, has been closed indefinitely due to a mechanical failure. The bridge, also known as the Two Mile Bridge, is stuck in the upright position, allowing for commercial shipping traffic but preventing cars, bikes, and pedestrians from crossing.

The closure was announced by Wildwood Crest Mayor Don Cabrera on Facebook, who stated that the bridge had a "total failure of the drive shaft motor" used to open the bridge on demand. The motor was deemed "inoperable and irreparable" after extensive testing by electrical engineers. According to a news release from Cape May County, the Cape May County Bridge Commission is currently reviewing all options to find a highly specialized replacement motor, a process that could take "many weeks."

The Middle Thorofare Bridge, which opened in 1940, is one of five toll bridges operated by the Cape May County Bridge Commission along the scenic Ocean Drive between Ocean City and Cape May. The bridge is considered "structurally deficient" and is being programmed for future replacement, with an estimated cost of $238 million to $243 million.

While the bridge remains closed, drivers heading into Wildwood Crest and other nearby shore towns are advised to plan alternate routes. Despite the closure, all businesses remain open on both sides of the bridge.