Teen Curfew Begins Next Week in North Wildwood

Photo: Douglas Sacha / Moment / Getty Images

North Wildwood is implementing a 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew for teenagers under 18, starting May 15. The City Council approved the ordinance in an effort to reduce issues caused by rowdy teenagers. The curfew targets groups of teens who are causing disturbances or attracting unwanted attention. However, the police will not target those who are behaving appropriately.

"It really is targeted at groups of teenagers who are bringing unwanted attention to themselves," said North Wildwood Mayor Patrick Rosenello to WCAU-TV. "That gives the police department a tool to deal with them."

The curfew comes with a few exemptions. Teens who are supervised by their parents or are going to and from work will not be affected by the curfew. After two warnings, parents of the offending teens could face fines ranging from $250 to $1,500 for repeated offenses.

The curfew is not the only change coming to North Wildwood this summer. The City Council also approved a ban on large tents and cabanas on the town's severely eroded beaches.

Despite these new rules, some locals and visitors have expressed mixed feelings. While some understand the need for such measures, others feel it limits their enjoyment of the beach town.

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