Lucy The Elephant Up For Best Roadside Attraction In The U.S.

Photo: ggustin / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

Lucy the Elephant, a beloved landmark on the Jersey Shore, is in the running for the title of Best Roadside Attraction in the United States. The six-story tall structure, which also houses a museum, is competing against 18 other quirky landmarks in a poll conducted by USA Today.

Lucy, who has been a part of the Margate community for nearly 143 years, is up against attractions like a giant Dalmatian fire hydrant in Texas, a sculpture called "Carhenge" in Nebraska, and a towering Van Gogh inspired painting and easel in Kansas.

"It's really exciting to be listed with all those other sites," said Richard Helfant to WCAU-TV, the executive director of Lucy the Elephant. "There's nothing quite like Lucy."

The non-profit organization that manages Lucy is hopeful that this attention will also help bring in donations for a major restoration project planned to start in September. The project will focus on Lucy's interior and replace the old gift shop with a state-of-the-art welcome center.

“By being featured in USA Today, which is a national publication, it's huge. It's priceless publicity for us whether we win or not," Helfant explained.

Public voting is open until May 6th, and anyone can vote once a day. The top ten winners will be announced on May 15th. Lucy the Elephant is already the country's oldest roadside attraction, and now she's eyeing the title of the best.

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