FREAKY FACT FRIDAY: Yoda, Polar Bears & Mistresses

Here are 5 random facts that may blow your mind:

  1. In the early drafts of "Star Wars," Yoda had a first name: MINCH. George Lucas originally hoped Yoda would be played by a monkey wearing a mask
  2. Polar bears don't have white fur! They have transparent fur that reflects sunlight and makes them look white
  3. Robert Downey Jr. was not the first choice to play Iron Man. The role was first offered to Clive Owen, who turned it down (ouch!)
  4. "Mrs." was originally an abbreviation for "mistress," not "missus"...which is why it has an "r" in it
  5. The reason Under Armour spells its name "a-r-m-o-u-r" is because the owner thought that would make for a cooler toll free phone number. He wanted 1-888-ARMOUR, not 1-888-44-ARMOR

Feel free to run these by your co-workers/friends/family for some "ooohs" and "ahhhhs" and have a great weekend!

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